Android Oreo is Out, What are Updates and Features


Google have announced Android Oreo near the Eclipse in August, 2017. After that in beta version update to 8.1, Google is giving so much in that. One of the major update that came up in beta version is about the battery usage. First developer update is already out for the previews. But it will add devices in the December ending. Here are some of those featuring updates of the android.

Android Oreo Updates:

In these updates Google just basically moved lots of updates from its Pixel devices. Many updates are simply adaption of the Pixels features.

Power Menu in Pixel-2 Style:

We know it is not a big update for some people but it is a lot. Power Menu in Oreo is now change in the Pixel-2 style. As you long press the button it will appear right from the power button. Its size is small in comparison to the old power menu. It animatedly appear out from the power button. This update is also available in the old devices like Nexus 6P and Pixel’s 1st generation.

Easter Egg:

In this Easter Egg update Android have finally replaced its octopus with an Oreo image that suits the name. The octopus animation is still available in some of the old devices.

Automatic Dark Theme:

Another feature from the pixel is brought into the Oreo. But this update have a good appearance that the Power Button style. They brought the dark theme to Oreo. If you change your background to the black wallpaper from the launcher then it will change Navigation Menu, Quick Setting and App drawer’s background into black.

Semi-Transparent Notification Tool:

This update may not be seen quite clearly or easily but it is there. They made a little change in the Notification Tool and Quick Setting Menu. It is now semi-transparent same as the Pixel Device. This update will only be visible to you only if you look for it.

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Hide Annoying Ongoing Notifications:

Android 8.0 came in past with two annoying notifications. These notifications were, “App Draw over Application” and “running background app”. These notifications makes their appearance in the notification bar and can’t we swiped away. To hide these notification you need to follow some tricky steps.

But now in 8.1 they have gave you an option to hide these notification, permanently. “App Draw Over Application” notification appear when any have is active with draw over function. Running Background appear when there is so many application running in background process.

Navigation Button Twick:

As you use your navigation button for switching between applications or for any cause they will keep brighten up. As you move to the application they will lighten up little and become semi-transparent. This happen as you leave these buttons free for 2 or 3 seconds.

Battery Drain Updates:

In old android devices battery consumption was always an issue. Many application do not allow you device to go in deep sleep mode. It is a mode where device use minimal amount of battery. Now because of these application device can’t entre this mode. Due to which it drains so much battery. But now in Android Oreo they have sort this problem out. Now if any app that started consuming your battery then it will notify you about that. So you can kill applications those are stopping android from going to deep sleep.

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