Building A Restful Service Utilizing CodeIgniter


HawksCode Softwares pty. Ltd. AU is a global IT Company delivering software, ERP, Mobile Application development services to enterprise worldwide.

I as of late manufactured a RESTful web administration to incorporate two web applications, and I thought I would record that exertion for the advantage of others. In the event that you have to execute a RESTful administration, this instructional exercise will give you a fast begin.

Most importantly, I am upbeat to report that the CodeIgniter PHP application system makes it simple to assemble a RESTful administration. CodeIgniter’s Model-View-Controller usage makes an interpretation of pleasantly into the prerequisites of building a RESTful administration. The Controller handles the customer’s demand, the Model embodies all the rationale for the CRUD information operations, and the View organizations and presents the reaction back to the customer. By depending on the structure to deal with the more ordinary subtle elements, the real code expected to actualize your administration is insignificant. This gives you a chance to concentrate on conveying a decent administration.


Before we plunge into the code, in any case, how about we set the stage. As REST means numerous things to numerous individuals, let me give my outline standards.

The HTTP technique is utilized to indicate the kind of demand, e.g. GET for a Read ask for, a POST for a Create ask for, a PUT for an Update ask for, and so forth.

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